Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, online, via Jitsi Meet.

Building Google's Chromium OS

Date and Time

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm


MIT Building E-51, Room 325
Brian DeLacey - CryptographicHistory gmail com
Ryan Cairns , Chrome OS Software Engineer , Google
Kan Liu , Chrome OS Product Management , Google


An overview and technical real-time tour of Google's recently introduced Chromium OS


You'll get a comprehensive technical overview of Google's early release of Chromium OS - a new Linux-powered open source operating system. The presentations will introduce you to the overall architecture as well as the pointers you'll need to build it for yourself. We're fortunate to have two expert Googlers on-hand - Ryan Cairns and Kan Liu - to lead you on a high-powered technical tour of the Chrome OS landscape. Brian DeLacey will recap his early experiences working with Chromium OS. The meeting will dive into technical and user-friendly aspects of Chromium OS. We will build the software from source as the meeting progresses. We'll step through and discuss the various scripts and procedures that make up the build process. We'll also talk about some of the earliest hardware used to test Chromium OS. When Google ships Chrome OS in 2010, what features will you be looking for? What hardware do you want to see this on? How will this new OS be used when it comes to market next year? Bring your questions, thoughts, and open source offerings to help! If you'd like to try out Chromium OS for yourself, bring along a 4 GB thumb drive to the meeting. We'll have things set up so you can easily get a fresh and free copy. We have a few more surprises in store for the meeting - including a door prize raffle from the good folks at O'Reilly Media. We'll also have some snacks and drinks. If you'd like to participate in advance - tearing apart code or pulling together the best mobile web apps - please contact Brian DeLacey


  1. Chromium OS Project Page

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